2 door cinema club tour 2017
2 door cinema club tour 2017

2 door cinema club tour 2017 2 door cinema club tour 2017

I was never bored and neither were my fellow audience members. I can honestly say this is the best concert I have ever seen at the Pabst Theater. During “Next Year,” for example, the screens flashed computer codes as the band played the twitchy sine sounds we all associate with nerdy tech guys in spy movies. The real stars of the stage, however, were the seven 20-foot tall LED towers that accompanied each song’s narrative perfectly. Although I personally could have gone without quite so many strobe light flashes, it added an intensity to the band’s performance. The light show accompanying the set deserves praise as well. Lead guitarist Sam Halliday excited the audience with his amazing soloing capabilities and adorably awkward dancing. Lead singer and rhythm guitarist Alex Trimble said to clap, and we clapped.

2 door cinema club tour 2017

The crowd quite literally buzzed for the entire hour-and-a-half set. Not a single person was seated throughout the entire first floor. I have never seen the Pabst filled with this many wholehearted super-fans. The band began their set with four straight songs from “Tourist History,” to the audience’s delight. Two Door Cinema Club released their debut album, “Tourist History,” all the way back in 2010. Despite extensive touring in support of this and their subsequent two albums, the Irish pop rock band has never made it to Milwaukee, and they played like it. And then, there it is: the first chord, and we’ve begun. Two Door Cinema Club unassumingly takes the stage even as the audience screams. As the crowd begins to crescendo, the stage lights up brilliantly.

2 door cinema club tour 2017